
The Rise of the 3-Person Unicorn Startup

Stellar's Role in Powering the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs

Written by
Melvin Yuan
Published on
August 17, 2023
Stellar transforms the 3-person unicorn startup vision into reality with operational, financial, and strategic support, fostering innovation and scalability.
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James Currier of NFX recently published an article ( titled "The 3-Person Unicorn Startup." He painted a vivid picture that I wholeheartedly agree with.

Generative AI is ushering in an era in which small, skilled teams can achieve what previously required the resources of entire corporations.

The potential of generative AI to streamline workflows, accelerate product development, elevate customer service, and simplify intricate back-end operations is transformative. It is redefining our perception of what small teams can achieve and pushing the limits of efficiency and innovation.

We’re excited about this at Stellar, because our platform ( fundamentally, mirrors James's vision. With our Ops-Manager-as-a-Service, we aim to further support these trailblazing teams.

Here’s how Stellar empowers the 3-person unicorn:

1. Singular Operational Management:

Even with AI's transformative potential, startups still face a plethora of back-office tasks. Stellar offers a unified platform to manage these operations effortlessly, ensuring founders can prioritize pivotal, strategic tasks.

2. Rapid Decision Making:

As James pointed out, fewer people result in faster decisions. By centralizing their operations with Stellar, founders can sidestep unnecessary delays and make decisions swiftly.

3. Financial Clarity:

Stellar meticulously assembles all corporate and financial data, offering founders immediate insights. This clarity enables them to adeptly handle the financial challenges of expanding startups.

4. Time-Saving:

While AI addresses a startup's technical components, Stellar handles the administrative side. This collaboration ensures founders can focus on critical areas like ideation, innovation, and growth.

5. Scalability:

As unicorn startups grow, their operational needs evolve. Stellar's adaptable framework caters to these changes, ensuring founders have a dependable operational partner throughout their journey.

Bottom line: The vision of a 3-person unicorn startup isn't a distant dream – it's the foreseeable future. Our mission at Stellar is to make it surprisingly easy to start, run and scale a company — and that’s why the prospect of enabling the 3-person startup to become a unicorn is incredibly exciting to us.

If this resonates with you as a founder, let’s have a chat.

Melvin Yuan
August 17, 2023
min read

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